
The search API can be used for querying Events by keywords and date range.

Event Collection

For Event queries, an Event collection is returned:

  "pageSize": 10,
  "totalCount": 3,
  "results": []

Where results contains multiple Event objects.

Chapter Point Collection

For ChapterPoint queries, a Chapter Point collection is returned:

  "pageSize": 10,
  "totalResults": 0,
  "results": []

Where results contains multiple Chapter Point objects.

Supported Actions

POST /search/indexall/

Index everything.

Response: 201 Created

POST /search/index/event/{id}

Index given Event by Id.

Response: 201 Created

POST /search/index/chapterpoint/{id}

Index given Chapter Point by Id.

Response: 201 Created

Search for Events.

Query Parameters:

keywords: {string} = null
  - optional string of keywords

pageSize: {int} = null
  - optional integer used to specify the page number

pageNumber: {int} = null
- optional integer used to determine the curent page when retrieving multiple pages

from: {string} = null
  - an ISO8601 string to include Events from the given Date.

to: {string} = null
  - an ISO8601 string to include Events up until a given Date.

modifiedFrom: {string} = null
  - an ISO8601 string to include Events which have been modified since the given Date.

modifiedTo: {string} = null
  - an ISO8601 string to include Events which have been modified up until the given Date.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing an Event collection.

GET /search/chapterpoints/

Search for Chapter Points.

Query Parameters:

keywordsChapterPoint: {string}
-  Optional. String of keywords that search on ReferenceId, Tag and Title.

keywordsCustomProperties: {string}
- Optional. String of keywords that search on Category and Key.

pageSize: {int}
-  Optional. int used to specify the page number. Defaults to 10.

pageNumber: {int}
-  Optional. int used to determine the curent page when retrieving multiple pages. Defaults to 1.

from: {string}
- an ISO8601 string to query ChapterPoints from the given Date.

to: {DateTime}
- an ISO8601 string to query ChapterPoints up until to given Date.

One of the two keyword parameters must be provided, but the other is optional.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing a Chapter Point collection.

GET /search/clips

Search for Clips made from the Clipping Tool (i.e. Events).

Query Parameters:

clippingUser: {string}
  - required string of the user Id to find Clips for.

keywords: {string} = null
  - optional string of keywords

pageSize: {int} = null
  - optional integer used to specify the page number

pageNumber: {int} = null
- optional integer used to determine the curent page when retrieving multiple pages

from: {string} = null
  - an ISO8601 string to include Events from the given Date.

to: {string} = null
  - an ISO8601 string to include Events up until a given Date.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing a Event collection.