
Allows you to check the health of the VIS API and internal services.

Publishing Point URL Object

‘c110cc5a-33ef-4785-a7c8-4f75e31c61bf’ is the Event ID. The ‘urls’ will contain all the configured Publishing Points on the Origins.

    "c110cc5a-33ef-4785-a7c8-4f75e31c61bf": {
        "urls": [
                "name": "Origin: 1",
                "url": "",
                "state": "started",
                "hasStarted": true,
                "lastUpdated": "2020-09-23T10:43:08Z",
                "receivingData": true,
                "statusCheckStrategy": 0,
                "statusCheckStrategyString": "ALL",
                "publishingPointIndex": 0,
                "encoderIndex": 0

The health of this is determined by using the Publishing Point Status Check Strategy that’s set in the Channel JSON configuration. If nothing is specified, then ‘All’ is the default. This will try them all until one succeeeds.


Supported Actions

GET /health/

Check the health of the VIS, VTS and the database.

Response: 200 OK or 503 Service Unavailable if an issue occurred within service.

GET /health/version

Check the version of the VIS.

Response: 200 OK and the following JSON content:

  "client": "name",
  "machineName": "WIN-VQ7ELVER91V",
  "assemblyVersion": "",
  "fileVersion": "",
  "productVersion": ""

GET /health/live/stream/

Check the Publishing Point information for all currently live Events.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
checkForErrors bool No If True then will return a 417 if any Publishing Point has not started or is not receiving data.

Response: 417 Expectation Failed or 200 OK and a dictionary of Event IDs and Publishing Point URL Objects.

### GET /health/live/stream/{channelId}

Check the Publishing Point information for a given Channel by Id.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
checkForErrors bool No If True then will return a 417 if any Publishing Point has not started or is not receiving data.

This request behaves the same as a the standard live check, but with a different route.

GET /health/live/stream/event/{eventId}

Check the Publishing Point information for a given Event by Id.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
checkForErrors bool No If True then will return a 417 if any Publishing Point has not started or is not receiving data.

This request behaves the same as a the standard live check, but with a different route.

GET /health/live/stream/notstarted/

Check if there are any Events that were scheduled to start, but have not yet done so.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
buffer int No Defaults to 5. This is the number of minutes allowed before being considered “not started”.

Response: 200 OK or 417 Expectation Failed if any Events have not started.

GET /health/live/stream/notstopped/

Check if there are any Events that were scheduled to stop, but have not yet done so.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
buffer int No Defaults to 5. This is the number of minutes allowed before being considered “not stopped”.

Response: 200 OK or 417 Expectation Failed if any Events have not stopped.

GET /health/live/stream/notlive2vod/

Check if there are any Events that were scheduled to convert to VOD but have not yet done so.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
buffer int No Defaults to 24. This is the number of hours allowed before being considered “not converted”.

Response: 200 OK or 417 Expectation Failed if any Events have not converted.

GET /health/live/dynamic/stream/notprovisioned/

Check if there are any Events that were scheduled to Provision, but have not yet done so.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
buffer int No Defaults to 10. This is the number of minutes allowed before being considered “not provisioned”.

Response: 200 OK or 417 Expectation Failed and a dictionary of Event Ids and scheduled provisioned times.

GET /health/live/dynamic/stream/notterminated/

Check if there are any Events that were scheduled to Terminate, but have not yet done so.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
buffer int No Defaults to 5. This is the number of minutes allowed before being considered “not terminated”.

Response: 200 OK or 417 Expectation Failed and a dictionary of Event Ids and scheduled terminate times.

GET /health/live/stream/channellimits

Check the current running simultaneous live channels. 417 will be returned if the totalCount exeeds the maxSimultaneousChannels.

Response: 417 Expectation Failed or 200 OK and the following JSON content:

    "maxSimultaneousChannels": 3,
    "totalCount": 6