
GET /stats/billing

Get the billing information between the specified start and end periods.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
startPeriod String No ISO8601 DateTime string to include stats information from the given Date.
endPeriod String No ISO8601 DateTime string to include stats information to the given Date.
resolution String No SD, HD or UHD.

Response: 200 OK and the following JSON content:

    "live": {
        "totalEventChannels": 1,
        "totalTwentyFourSevenChannels": 0,
        "maxSimultaneousChannels": 3,
        "live2Vod": true,
        "mediaSyndication": true,
        "usage": {
            "resolution": "All",
            "eventTranscodeMinutes": 0,
            "twentyFourSevenTranscodeMinutes": 0,
            "eventMinutes": 0,
            "twentyFourSevenMinutes": 0,
            "twentyFourSevenChannelsUsed": 0,
            "eventsUsed": 0,
            "eventChannelsUsed": 0
        "usageForResolution": {
            "resolution": "HD",
            "eventTranscodeMinutes": 0,
            "twentyFourSevenTranscodeMinutes": 0,
            "eventMinutes": 0,
            "twentyFourSevenMinutes": 0,
            "twentyFourSevenChannelsUsed": 0,
            "eventsUsed": 0,
            "eventChannelsUsed": 0
    "vod": {
        "totalAssets": 0
    "vodCompose": {
        "totalAssets": 0
    "archiver": {
        "totalAssets": 0
     "drm": {
        "totalDrmLicenses": 2
    "storage": {
        "totalBytes": 3334805968348.0,
        "friendlyFormat": "3.33 TB"
    "cdns": {
        "name": "Faslty",
        "totalBytes": 2234805968348.0,
        "friendlyFormat": "2.23 TB"