Assets represent additional content related to a given Event. These are typically .gifs .jpgs and .mp4s but also other system based files such as .ism (if you are using USP) for example.
As Assets are related to an Event they provide accessible URLs to the file by using the configured Vuflow on the Event. You will need to make sure storageUrlPublic
is set on the configuration JSON.
Asset State
Assets can be requested, so are therefore tracked by the system. Each Asset has a state, defined below:
Asset Type
Assets are also ‘typed’ to identify purpose within the system. In general, Assets with a SYSTEM type were generated by a process within the system, whereas other types are user generated (see below).
3 = GIF
Asset Object
"id": "be336dfa-2b79-41e0-b9ad-3256bba60722",
"eventId": "c543b222-86fd-4905-b570-33f2fc6e8a82",
"name": "Example Asset",
"path": "path-to-content/filename.extension",
"extension": "extension",
"state": 1,
"stateString": "COMPLETED",
"type": 0,
"typeString": "SYSTEM",
"jobId": "9001",
"contentId": "content-id-here",
"dateCreated": "2020-03-18T17:42:28Z",
"dateModified": "2020-03-18T17:42:28Z",
"url": ""
Supported Actions
POST /asset/gif/
Request a new GIF Asset for the Event.
Request Body:
"clip": {
"eventId": "c8e46941-b513-49dc-a9a6-868a9998a062",
"start": "00:00:46",
"end": "00:00:52"
"name": "Example GIF",
"fps": 18,
"height": null,
"width": null,
"playbackRepeats": 0,
"reverse": false,
"playbackSpeed": 1.0
Property Documentation:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clip.eventId | string | Yes | The Event Id |
clip.start | string | Yes | HH:mm:ss.fff from the beginning of the stream |
clip.end | string | Yes | HH:mm:ss.fff from the beginning of the stream |
name | string | Yes | The name of the Asset |
fps | int | No | The FPS of the GIF |
height | float | No | The height of the GIF |
width | float | No | The width of the GIF |
playbackSpeed | float | No | Alters the playback speed where 0.0 is a still frame and 1.0 is a normal speed |
playbackRepeats | int | No | Alters the number of times the GIF will repeat where -1 is disabled, 0 is infinite, and n is N repetitions |
filename | string | No | The filename to set. Defaults to using the Asset name if not provided |
priority | int | No | The priority to process this request at. Defaults to 5 , can be set from 1 (highest) to 10 (lowest) |
Response: 200 OK
and JSON containing the new Asset object.
POST /asset/video/
Request a new VIDEO Asset for the Event.
Request Body:
"clip": {
"eventId": "c8e46941-b513-49dc-a9a6-868a9998a062",
"start": "00:00:46",
"end": "00:00:52",
"filter": null
"name": "Example Video",
"mezzanine": false,
"frameAccurate": false,
"copyTs": false,
"priority": null,
"filename": null
Property Documentation:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
clip.eventId | string | Yes | The Event Id |
clip.start | string | Yes | ISO8601 if the stream contains timecode information, otherwise HH:mm:ss.fff |
clip.end | string | Yes | ISO8601 if the stream contains timecode information, otherwise HH:mm:ss.fff |
clip.filter | string | No | You can use the Filter to insert USP filter options. Example: “(type==”video”&&DisplayHeight==576)” |
name | string | Yes | The name of the Asset |
mezzanine | float | No | Specifies whether to include all tracks (false ) or only the highest (true ) |
frameAccurate | int | No | Specified whether the capturing should be frame accurate or not |
copyTs | bool | No | Specifies whether to copy the timestamps into the file or not |
filename | string | No | The filename to set. Defaults to using the Asset name if not provided |
priority | int | No | The priority to process this request at. Defaults to 5 , can be set from 1 (highest) to 10 (lowest) |
POST /asset/image/
Request a new IMAGE Asset for the Event.
Request Body:
"eventId": "c8e46941-b513-49dc-a9a6-868a9998a062",
"name": "JPEG from 5 seconds in",
"time": "00:00:05",
"priority": null,
"filename": null
Property Documentation:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventId | string | Yes | The Event Id |
name | string | Yes | The name of the Asset |
time | string | Yes | ISO8601 if the stream contains timecode information, otherwise HH:mm:ss.fff |
filename | string | No | The filename to set. Defaults to using the Asset name if not provided. |
priority | int | No | The priority to process this request at. Defaults to 5 , can be set from 1 (highest) to 10 (lowest) |
Response: 200 OK
and JSON containing the new Asset object.
PUT /asset/{id}/
Rename an Asset by Id.
Query Parameters:
Name: {string} - Required. The new name for the Asset.
Response: 200 OK
and JSON containing the new Asset object.
PUT /asset/sync/{event-id}
Synchronise Event Assets by Event Id. This will interrogate the storage location for both files that need to have Assets created, and Assets which relate to missing files.
The Event must have an associated VOD file as that is considered the location to synchronise to. Files that exist outside of the VOD file folder will be persisted as long as they do exist.
Response: 200 OK
and JSON containing the following:
"hasVodFileChanged": false,
"createdAssetsCount": 0,
"deletedAssetsCount": 0,
"pathEvaluated": "content/vod/folder"
GET /asset/
Get many Assets.
Query Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventId | guid | No | The Event Id to filter to. |
contentId | string | No | The Content Id to filter to. |
jobId | string | No | The Job Id to filter to. |
name | string | No | The Name to filter to. |
states | string | No | A comma-separated list of AssetStates to filter to. |
types | string | No | A comma-separated list of AssetTypes to filter to. |
extensions | string | No | A comma-separated list of extensions to filter to. |
pageIndex | int | No | Results page number starting at 0. Each page returns 100 results. Defaults to 0. |
noCache | bool | No | Whether or not to bypass cache. Defaults to False. |
Note: extensions
do not have to be filename extensions specifically, but must include them. i.e. you can filter to _sprite.jpg
Response: 200 OK
and a JSON array containing multiple Asset objects.
GET /asset/{id}/
Get an Asset by Id.
Query Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
noCache | bool | No | Whether or not to bypass cache. Defaults to False. |
Response: 200 OK
and JSON containing the Asset object.
DEL /asset/
Delete many Assets. SYSTEM Assets are not deleted. You must provide at least 1 optional parameter.
Query Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventId | guid | No | The Event Id to filter to. |
contentId | string | No | The Content Id to filter to. |
jobId | string | No | The Job Id to filter to. |
name | string | No | The Name to filter to. |
states | string | No | A comma-separated list of AssetStates to filter to. |
types | string | No | A comma-separated list of AssetTypes to filter to. |
Response: 200 OK
DEL /asset/{id}
Delete an Asset by Id. SYSTEM Assets are not deletable.
Response: 200 OK