Event Types

EventTypes are a type of metadata available in the system, and are set on a per-Event basis.

Event Type Object

  "id": "553a8093-dc61-4e16-ac89-03e9c811efad",
  "name": "Example Event Type",
  "referenceId": "reference-Id",
  "colour": "#003c69"

Supported Actions

POST /eventtype/

Add an Event Type.

Request Body:

  "name": "Example Event Type",
  "referenceId": "reference-Id",
  "colour": "#003c69"

Response: 200 OK

PUT /eventtype/{id}

Update an Event Type by Id.

Request Body:

  "name": "Example Event Type (Renamed)",
  "referenceId": "reference-Id",
  "colour": "#003c69"

Response: 200 OK

PUT /eventtype/event/{id}

Update an Event by Id to have a specified Event Type Id.

Request Body:

  "eventTypeId": "78b14639-926f-40fd-9ba5-7c7c9316a93f"

Response: 200 OK

GET /eventtype/

Get all Event Types.

Name Type Required Description
noCache bool No Whether or not to bypass cache. Defaults to False.

Response: 200 OK and JSON array containing multiple EventType objects.

GET /eventtype/{id}

Get an Event Type by Id.

Name Type Required Description
noCache bool No Whether or not to bypass cache. Defaults to False.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing the EventType object.

GET /eventtype/reference

Get an Event Type by Reference Id.

Name Type Required Description
id string Yes The reference ID. Must be percent-encoded.
noCache bool No Whether or not to bypass cache. Defaults to False.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing the EventType object.

GET /eventtype/{id}/events/

Get Events which have the given Event Type Id set.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
pageSize int No Number of results to fetch per Page.
pageNumber int No Number of the page to fetch.
order QueryOrder No The order to sort by, either ASC or DESC. Defaults to ASC.
noCache bool No Whether or not to bypass cache. Defaults to False.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing an Event collection.

DEL /eventtype/{id}

Delete an Event Type by Id.

Response: 200 OK