Cache Management

These endpoints allow for clients to clear their own cache within the application.

Supported Actions

DEL /cache/


Query Parameters:

  client {string} - Optional. Clears the specified client. Only applicable to administrators.

  destinationId: {Guid} - Optional. Clears the cache related to a specified Destination Id.

  livePublicationId: {Guid} - Optional. Clears the cache related to a specified Live Publication Id.

  vodPublicationId: {Guid} - Optional. Clears the cache related to a specified Vod Publication Id.

  clearAssetCache: {bool} - Optional. Set to True if you wish to clear the MediaAsset cache.

Response: 200 OK or 403 Forbidden if attempting to clear another client’s cache.

DEL /cache/all/

Clear all cache for the specified client.

Query Parameters:

  client {string} - Optional. Clears the specified client. Only applicable to administrators.

Response: 200 OK or 403 Forbidden if attempting to clear another client’s cache.