Category Custom Properties

As for ChapterPoints and Events, Categories can have Custom Properties too. They provide a means for storing any additional information which does not have a suitable location elsewhere in the system.

Category Custom Property Object

  "id": "d050a380-873d-4574-b6e2-abe2bb28dab8",
  "category": "category-here",
  "key": "key-here",
  "value": "value-here"

Supported Actions

POST /category/customproperty/

Add or Update a new Category Custom Property.

Request Body:

  "id": "a02a5c4d-40ac-4074-8554-aaf77658864f",
  "categoryId": "102df1a4-c273-4ec5-b4a6-cc8291e2d27c",
  "category": "category-here",
  "key": "key-here",
  "value": "value-here"

Note: Category & Key combinations are unique within the system and will update existing values if these already exist.

Response: 200 OK

POST /category/customproperty/bulk/{id}

Add or Update multiple Category Custom Properties.

Request Body:

    "id": "3cf3541c-1f1a-4729-b14c-1d9354f583ce",
    "category": "category-here",
    "key": "key-here",
    "value": "value-here"
    "category": "another-category-here",
    "key": "another-key-here",
    "value": "another-value-here"

Note: id can be provided optionally when creating a new property.

Note: Category & Key combinations are unique within the system and will update existing values if these already exist.

Response: 200 OK

GET /category/customproperty/

Get many Category Custom Properties.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
categoryId Guid No The Id of the Category to filter to.
category String No The Category value to filter to.
key String No The Key value to filter to.
value String No The Value value to filter to.

Response: 200 OK and JSON array containing multiple Custom Property objects.

GET /category/customproperty/{id}

Get a Category Custom Property by Id.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing the Custom Property object.

GET /category/customproperty/clone/

Clone Category Custom Properties from one Category to another.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
sourceCategoryId Guid Yes The Category Id to copy from.
targetCategoryId Guid Yes The Category Id to copy to.
removeSource bool No Whether or not to remove the properties from the source Category. Defaults to False.

Response: 200 OK and JSON containing the Custom Property object.

DEL /category/customproperty/{id}

Delete a Category Custom Property by Id.

Response: 200 OK

DEL /category/customproperty/

Delete many Category Custom Properties.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
categoryId Guid No The Id of the Category to filter to.
category String No The Category value to filter to.
key String No The Key value to filter to.
value String No The Value value to filter to.

Note: at least 1 parameter must be provided otherwise you will receive a 400 Bad Request response.

Response: 200 OK